• High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor DY2.2-500
High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor DY2.2-500

High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor DY2.2-500

In stock
High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor
DY-2.2/500 combined gas injection compressor is specially developed for the working conditions of 50MPa gas injection and oil recovery in oil fields. It adopts the combination of mechanical reciprocating piston compressor

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DY-2.2/500 combined gas injection compressor is specially developed for the working conditions of 50MPa gas injection and oil recovery in oil fields. It adopts the combination of mechanical reciprocating piston compressor (low pressure stage booster) and hydraulic compressor (high pressure stage booster), and combines the respective advantages of mechanical compressor and hydraulic compressor to improve oil recovery.

Parameter Reference

DY-2.2/500 Technical parameters of combined gas injection compressor

Air intake pressure (Mpa)


Air intake temperature (℃)


Exhaust pressure (Mpa)


Exhaust (Nm3h)


outlet temperature (℃)


Noise dB (A)


Cooling mode

Full air cooling

Cooling motor power (Kw)


Main motor power (Kw)


Maximum power (Kw)

255 (including main motor, cooling motor, etc)

Effective tank volume (L)




Our products are 100% New & Original, in stock, low price promotion.

If you can’t find a suitable product model or require additional information, please contact us:  info@hkxytech.com

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