• Hydraulic water transfer device YB0.05-4
Hydraulic water transfer device YB0.05-4

Hydraulic water transfer device YB0.05-4

In stock
Special Custom Product
The produced water of oil and gas fields is pressurized to be transported to the water treatment plant for centralized treatment through pipelines to save transportation costs.

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The produced water of oil and gas fields is pressurized to be transported to the water treatment plant for centralized treatment through pipelines to save transportation costs.

Technical Parameters:

YB0.05-4 technical parameters OF Skid mounted hydraulic water transfer device


Oil and gas field produced water

Ambient temperature(℃)


Inlet pressure (MPa)


Inlet temperature(℃)


Drain pressure (MPa)


Discharge volume(m3/d)


Main motor power (kW)


Total power (kW)


Effective tank volume(L)




Our products are 100% New & Original, in stock, low price promotion.

If you can’t find a suitable product model or require additional information, please contact us:  info@hkxytech.com

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