• Natural Gas Liquid Separated And Sand Remover Unit for Wellhead YS30-25/YS50-25
Natural Gas Liquid Separated And Sand Remover Unit for Wellhead YS30-25/YS50-25

Natural Gas Liquid Separated And Sand Remover Unit for Wellhead YS30-25/YS50-25

In stock
Natural Gas Liquid Separated
The sand, liquid and sewage carried in Test gas recovery and treatment device. Natural Gas Liquid Separated And Sand Remover Unit for Wellhead YS30-25/YS50-25

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The sand, liquid and sewage carried in Test gas recovery and treatment device. At the same time, the production of natural gas wells is tested to ensure that the natural gas entering the gas pipeline network or other transportation equipment is free of sand and liquid, to ensure the continuous and stable production of gas wells, and to increase the final cumulative gas production of single wells.

Technical Parameters

Technical specifications

Type of equipment



Import pressure

3-25 MPa

3-25 MPa

Export pressure

≤8 MPa

≤4.5 MPa

Import temperature



Export temperature



Gas treatment

≤ Nm 3000003d //

≤ Nm 5000003d //

Treatment of sand

kg/d ≤240

kg/d ≤240

Treatment volume

m ≤2403d //

m ≤2403d //

Pressure design

27.5 MPa

27.5 MPa

Medium pressure design pressure

9.5 MPa


Pry weight

kg 18390

kg 23800


9.5 m*2.9m*3m

8.5 m*2.9m*3m

Structure form

Integrated water jacket furnace, intake pipe into a separate module

Integrated intake manifold, water jacket furnace separately into skid

Customizable products according to customer's on-site requirements

Our products are 100% New & Original, in stock, low price promotion.

If you can’t find a suitable product model or require additional information, please contact us:  info@hkxytech.com

Zakaj izbrati nas:

1. Po najnižji možni ceni lahko dobite popoln material glede na vaše zahteve.

2. Ponujamo tudi cene za predelavo, FOB, CFR, CIF in dostavo od vrat do vrat. Predlagamo vam, da sklenete dogovor o pošiljanju, ki bo precej ekonomičen.

3. Materiali, ki jih nudimo, so popolnoma preverljivi, vse od potrdila o preskusu surovin do končne izjave o dimenzijah. (Poročila bodo prikazana na zahtevo)

4. Zagotavljamo, da bomo odgovorili v 24 urah (običajno v isti uri)

5. Dobite lahko alternativne zaloge, dobave mlinov s čim manjšim proizvodnim časom.

6. Popolnoma smo predani svojim strankam. Če po preučitvi vseh možnosti ne bo mogoče izpolniti vaših zahtev, vas ne bomo zavajali z lažnimi obljubami, kar bo ustvarilo dobre odnose s strankami.

Kaj se zgodi potem?

1. Potrditev po e-pošti

Prejeli boste e-poštno sporočilo, ki potrjuje, da smo prejeli vaše povpraševanje.

2. Ekskluzivni vodja prodaje

Eden od naše ekipe vas bo kontaktiral, da potrdi specifikacijo in stanje vaših delov.

3. Vaš citat

Prejeli boste celovito ponudbo, prilagojeno vašim specifičnim potrebam.

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