• Mechanical reciprocating booster compressor
Mechanical reciprocating booster compressor

Mechanical reciprocating booster compressor

In stock
Reciprocating Compressor
Natural Gas Compressor
Qidakon designs and manufactures air, nitrogen and natural gas compressors for different purposes according to customer needs. Independent research and development of high-level CNG mother station and booster compressor products used in standard stations have realized mechatronics

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Qidakon designs and manufactures air, nitrogen and natural gas compressors for different purposes according to customer needs. Independent research and development of high-level CNG mother station and booster compressor products used in standard stations have realized mechatronics, with the characteristics of good safety, high reliability and long trouble-free operation time, which can replace similar imported products.

Parameter Reference


2CD;4CD(Two-row series units; four-row series units)

Transfer method

Diaphragm coupling direct connection

Inlet pressure


Discharge pressure


Inlet temperature


Final Discharge Tem.


Drive type

Electric motors, natural gas engines, diesel engines

Drive power

≤300KW(two row);≤600KW(four row)


Air cooling

Cylinder lubrication

Oil injection, less oil lubrication



Design speed

600~1200 R/Min


(1) Modular, variable working condition design, opposite balanced structure

(2) The speed is high, the skid-mounted unit occupies a small area, the parts are light in weight, and the maintenance is convenient.

(3) The cylinder is naturally cooled, and the unit can achieve full air cooling without water system

(4) The main oil pump is placed in the fuselage, no additional  explosion-proof motor is required, and there is no oil leakage.

(5) Adopting centralized distribution lubrication, equipped with no flow detection switch, reliable lubrication.

Our products are 100% New & Original, in stock, low price promotion.

If you can’t find a suitable product model or require additional information, please contact us:  info@hkxytech.com

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