• 2YZ2300-110 Natural Gas Compressor for Refueling Station
2YZ2300-110 Natural Gas Compressor for Refueling Station

2YZ2300-110 Natural Gas Compressor for Refueling Station

In stock
Natural Gas Compressor
The 3YZ2300-110 natural gas hydraulic compressor unit is suitable for CNG refueling sub-stations with a daily gas output of 23000-30000Nm3, and can be used in gas station processes with gas storage wells or gas storage cylinders

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The 3YZ2300-110 natural gas hydraulic compressor unit is suitable for CNG refueling sub-stations with a daily gas output of 23000-30000Nm3, and can be used in gas station processes with gas storage wells or gas storage cylinders

Parameter Reference

Operating temperature (℃)


Inlet pressure (MPa)


Discharge pressure (MPa)


Flow rate (Nm3/h)


Ave. Flow rate (Nm3/h)


Motor Power (kW)


Ave.power consumption (kW.h/Nm3)


Noise (dB (A)


Size (mm)


Total Power (kW)



(1)Equip with gas storage well pressure gauges and detectors, reasonable adjustment of gas station inflation sequence and gas well pressure.

(2) Realize the staggered gas supply and reduce the energy consumption of gas filling stations.

(3) Equip with combustible gas detection alarm, strictly monitor gas leakage.

(4) With RS-485 communication interface, it can be used for network expansion.

(5) The unit comes with instrument air, without external control air.

Our products are 100% New & Original, in stock, low price promotion.

If you can’t find a suitable product model or require additional information, please contact us:  info@hkxytech.com

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