• Waste gas recovery unit YB0.1-4
Waste gas recovery unit YB0.1-4

Waste gas recovery unit YB0.1-4

In stock
Special Custom Product
This device is used in the natural gas gathering and transportation station, the waste gas and waste liquid discharged from the triethylene glycol dehydration and regeneration device can be recycled.

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This device is used in the natural gas gathering and transportation station, the waste gas and waste liquid discharged from the triethylene glycol dehydration and regeneration device can be recycled and used to solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by the direct discharge of waste gas and waste liquid.

Technical Parameters:

YB0.1-4 Technical parameters of hydraulic skid-mounted waste gas recovery device


Triethylene glycol Dewatering plant and waste liquid

Inlet temperature(℃)


Inlet pressure (MPa)


Discharge pressure (MPa)


Treated gas volume(Nm³/h)


Treatment fluid volume(L/H)


Pump power (kW)


Total power (kW)


Effective tank volume(L)




Our products are 100% New & Original, in stock, low price promotion.

If you can’t find a suitable product model or require additional information, please contact us:  info@hkxytech.com

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