• High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor YD0.1-55
High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor YD0.1-55

High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor YD0.1-55

In stock
High Pressure Gas Injection Compressor
This product mainly composed of host cylinder, hydraulic workstation, control system components, pipeline valves, cooling system, base system, house body, etc. The compressor adopts single-cylinder one-stage compression, and the driving motor adopts a 55kW explosion-proof motor.

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This product mainly composed of host cylinder, hydraulic workstation, control system components, pipeline valves, cooling system, base system, house body, etc. The compressor adopts single-cylinder one-stage compression, and the driving motor adopts a 55kW explosion-proof motor. Exhaust and hydraulic oil are cooled by a fan, which is driven by a separate explosion-proof motor. The control of the unit adopts PLC programmable controller, the corresponding man-machine interface, primary instrument, transmitter, with the control of the unit, monitoring alarm, stop function, to realize the automatic operation and protection of the unit. The unit is arranged on the skid seat, compressor inlet, exhaust, filter blowdown, safety valve blowout and so on are connected to the skid side; The control cable and power cable are connected to the PLC explosion-proof control cabinet, which is configured by the user outside the skid. The whole structure is compact, the user site installation is convenient, the use is safe and reliable.

YD0.1-55 hydraulic gas injection compressor is specially developed for 50MPa gas injection and oil recovery conditions. It adopts hydraulic seal that can meet ultra-high pressure to improve oil recovery.

Compared with the traditional mechanical piston compressor, the use of hydraulic drive piston pressurization, improve the stability of equipment, reduce the failure rate of equipment, to achieve stable and efficient production.

Technical parameters:

YD0.1-55 Technical Parameters of 50Mpa Hydraulic Gas Injection Compressor

Air intake pressure (Mpa)

20~25(design pressure 25 Mpa)

Air intake temperature (℃)


Exhaust pressure (Mpa)


Exhaust (Nm3h)


outlet temperature (℃)


Noise dB (A)


Cooling mode

Full   air cooling

Cooling motor power (Kw)


Main motor power (Kw)


Maximum power (Kw)

70(including main motor, cooling motor, etc)

Effective tank volume (L)




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